Interior Painting Tips For A Clean And Smooth Finish

Painting a room can give it a fresh and clean feel. It can make it feel warm and welcoming, or it can feel energized depending on the color that you use. Paint can do a lot for a room, including adding new life to a room that was somewhat dingy or off-putting. Paint can go a long way in updating your home, or just changing how the room feels. Painting can be a difficult chore for some people, while others may welcome this task. If you are the former, you should hire a professional to do this task for you. If you are the latter, and you feel like tackling a paint project on your own, read on for some tips to help give the room a clean and smooth finish.

Clean Your Walls

Take the time to clean your walls. Allowing dust bunnies to sit on your walls will only cause your paint to either bubble or appear bumpy on your walls. Clean your walls with a mild detergent that has been watered down considerably. Wipe your walls, or use a mop to mop your walls clean. Then allow them to thoroughly dry. Be sure you clean your ceiling if you intend on painting it as well and clean all trim and baseboards as well.

Make Repairs

Repair any imperfections in your walls so the paint doesn't simply enhance those imperfections. Make all repairs to nail holes where pictures once were, even if you plan on putting the same decor on your walls, you should still make the repairs, as you may want to move them around once you have finished painting. Repair cracks, holes, and anything that protrudes from the wall should be sanded down, and dents should also be repaired. You can use quick-drying drywall repair that can be found at your local hardware store. Smooth the patch out with a putty knife and then allow it to dry. Once dry, use a sanding block or piece of sandpaper to give it a smooth finish. Be sure to use fine-grit sandpaper to smooth your walls.


Once your walls are clean and have been repaired, you can begin the task of painting them. Use a two-inch paintbrush to cut in the walls around the edges and along the trim, baseboards, and ceiling. Invest in a good, quality paintbrush that will not leave bristles behind. Then use a roller to roll the paint onto your walls. You should also invest in a good, quality roller to ensure pieces of the lint on the roller are not being left behind on your walls.

If you are in need of painting a room or your home, or a number of rooms in your home, you can get the job done yourself, or you can hire a professional to do the work for you to ensure it is done correctly.

Reach out to an interior painting contractor to learn more.
